Praise and Worship Song Lyrics 3

Friend of God

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Singer: VBG Bethel
Who am I that You are mindful of me
That You hear me when I call
Is it true that You are thinking of me
How You love me it’s amazing

Ref: I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend

God Almighty, Lord of Glory
You have called me friend


He calls me friend
He calls me friend…

Dove Sei?

[kml_flashembed movie=”″ height=”350″ width=”425″ /]
Singer: Monica Ursino
CHE GIORNO E’ CHE ORA E’ (What day is it, what time is it?)

E POSSIBLE (Is it possible)
CHE VIVO SENZA TE? (that I live without you?)

PIANGO COME UN FIUME (Cries like a river)
LACRIME AMARE (Bitter tears)
SENZA TE NON SI PUO STARE (I just can’t take it anymore without you)

VEDI, VEDI LA TUA GENTE? (Do you see, do you see your people?)
DOVE SEI, DOVE SEI ? (Where are you, where are you?)
GESU’ TI PREGO (Jesus I beg You)
SENTI, SENTI I MIEI LAMENTI (Listen, listen to my lamentations)
NON C’E VITA (There is no life)
O MONDO (or world)
SENZA TE (without You)

TRAGEDIE RICORRENTI (Insistent Tragedies)

LEGGI E IDEE DA INCOSCENTI (Laws & Ideologies by those without a conscience)
SI VIVE IN FRETTA (We live in a hurry)
LA GENTE NON SI PARLA (People don’t talk with each other)
NON SI RISPETTA (or respect each other)

SOLDI E ORGOGLIO (Money and Pride)

SONO PIU IMPORTANTI (is more important)
LA FEDE E LE PREGHIERE (Faith and Prayers)
SONO ORMAI DIMENTICATE (are things of the past)

PER ME E DIVERSO (For me it is different)
HO CAPITO CHE (I have understood)
SEI SEMPRE LO STESSO (You’re always the same)
E TI CHIEDO SE…(And I ask you… if…)

VEDI, VEDI LA TUA GENTE? (Do you see, do you see your people?)
DOVE SEI, DOVE SEI ? (Where are you, where are you?)
GESU’ TI PREGO (Jesus I beg You )
SENTI, SENTI I MIEI LAMENTI (Listen, listen to my lamentations)
NON C’E VITA (There is no life)
O MONDO (or world)
SENZA TE (without You)

VEDI, VEDI LA TUA GENTE? (Do you see, do you see your people?)
DOVE SEI, DOVE SEI ? (Where are you, where are you?)
GESU’ TI PREGO (Jesus I beg You)
SENTI, SENTI I MIEI LAMENTI (Listen, listen to my lamentations)
NON C’E VITA (There is no life)
OH MONDO (or world)
SENZA TE (without You)

Lyrics © Monica Ursino 2006 – see her website for more information about her etc.